Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Dude, you bought an iDud!

This is what happens when you're obsessed with getting the "latest-greatest" toy... you end up with a $4000 phone bill!

This is for real. Check it out!

Wow, and I thought I went through the worst fifteen years ago when my sister ran up a $400-per-month phone bill signing on with Prodigy through long distance lines.

Oh, and dude, you're on Abum, not YouTube... because I can't find it on YouTube! Here's a hint... it's not good to name-drop on vids that end up on other websites.

(12/30 Update: I had to do a little more digging, but I finally found the YouTube video, so I replaced it, because the embedded Abum player continually started their video automatically, which really SUCKS!)

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